Maintaining proper books of account for at least 5 years is mandatory for the companies as per the UAE Commercial Company Law 2015. Many free zones in the UAE has made it obligatory to their companies to maintain their company accounts and get the audit done from approved & listed accounting & audit firms in Dubai & UAE.
Financial accounting & bookkeeping has become streamlined globally with the implementation of IFRS but that makes it more technical and complicated. If we see the past five years as an example, the future will come with more regulations, requirements and compliance standard. UAE is a global hub for the business, it is growing every day with new business opportunities. To compete in the market and stand out in the industry, a company's financial statements and reports must be made by meeting international standards.
It is never easy for an organization to run the business operation, making the business grow, beat the competition and to comply with the local laws and legal requirements. Having said this, the bookkeeping & accounting activities of a company is quite tricky and difficult to manage and here come the services of accounting & bookkeeping firms in Dubai & UAE come into play.
Accounting Firms in Dubai & UAE help you to run your business effectively with healthy growth. Recording all the financial transactions of a company is the main and basic task of bookkeeping firms in Dubai & UAE. Accounting outsourcing companies in UAE consist of finest chartered accountants & auditors that keep accurate & up to date records of financial statements helping you to comply with local & international laws.
Bookkeeping & accounting firms in Dubai & UAE also address cash flow requirements, preventing insolvency & bankruptcy, plan & forecast budgets that help in effective financial management & stability of the business.
Why Do You Need to Outsource Accounting & Bookkeeping Services in Dubai & UAE?
To track your actual business' assets, liabilities, and income, a proper day to day bookkeeping of your business is essential. And if you are an entrepreneur or an SME, outsourcing accounts to a chartered accountant firm can save not only money but can also bring a pool of expertise to the business.
Outsource accounting services in Dubai & UAE to accounting companies is highly advisable since they can ensure the understandability, relevance, comparability, reliability and present a well-structured financial picture of the business to decision-makers that makes them able to take major decisions of the company. Other advantages of outsourcing bookkeeping & accounting services to bookkeeping firms in Dubai & UAE are as follows:
Help in solving technical accounting difficulties that cannot solve in-house
Help to comply with International Financial Reporting Standards & local laws
Help in smoothly, transfer, share, manage & close the accounts at the time of merger, acquisition & liquidation of a company
If you have a low budget and needs the services of qualified & experienced chartered accountants
To meet the requirement of trained accountants for comprehensive accounting by IFRS and the requirement from local bodies
Help you to present a fair & detailed analysis of your financial position & health to your local banks, shareholders & investors

A S A D Accounting in UAE
Listed Auditing & Accounting Firm in UAE Free Zones
A S A D Accounting is one of the few accounting & bookkeeping firms in Dubai, UAE that is listed with all major free zones across the UAE. This is one of the core features of our firm.
Bank Approved Auditors & Accountants
One of the main features of our accounting firm is that it is listed with big banks in UAE. We can make the better management of book of accounts that will help your company to get easy loan approvals.

Compliance With External Audit Process
Our qualified & experienced chartered accountants & auditors maintain the accounting record in the manner that complies with obligatory external audit requirements in the United Arab Emirates.
Why Should You Choose A S A D Accountants?
Helps in Attracting the Potential Investors
Having financial records & statements up to date & ready help in bringing the new investment to the company. It helps investors to understand what they are getting into.
Better Credit Management
Maintaining books of accounts by a professional accounting firm helps in ensuring compliance with company credit policy that also builds the trust of stakeholders & shareholders..

Ease in Decision Making
The financial reports display the health of the company. We design financial reports & statement in a way that makes it very easy for the business owners to make major financial decisions.
Regardless of what type of business industry you are in, we can prepare your financial statement accordingly and maintain your books of accounts as per international standards. Once you outsource your accountancy to us, you will be able to focus on your business growth, reducing the cost and get the in-depth analysis of your financial health by one of the finest chartered accountant firms in Dubai, UAE.
For more than 7 years till now, A S A D accountants have been providing accounting & bookkeeping services in Dubai & UAE. We do manual & computerized accounting & bookkeeping customized as per the requirement of our clients. Weekly, monthly, quarterly & annually financial reports supervised by qualified chartered accountants are presented as per the requirement of the client.
Being one of the leading accounting firms in Dubai, we are familiar with the process of accounting & bookkeeping for the businesses that need high growth & fast-paced. We invest a substantial amount of our effort & time to study the business, to make sure we can efficiently contribute to the success of them. It ranges from providing simple bookkeeping firm services to complex financial analysis. Size of business doesn't make a difference for us & every client is equally served. We thrive to serve the business in the most organized manner.

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